Showing posts with label SharePoint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SharePoint. Show all posts

Friday, October 27, 2023

Using PnP Modern Search to display today's work anniversaries

In a way this is part 2 on how to using PnP Modern Search to display days of celebration. In Using PnP Modern Search to display today's birthdays I showed how to display birthdays, so a natural progression is to show how to display work anniversaries.

I was really surprised how difficult this proved to be. I even discussed the topic with Mikael Svenson and Marc Anderson and I realized that I had to cheat in order for it to work.

The problem is that date manipulation in KQL is hard at best and sometimes impossible. In order to find a work anniversary I must compare Today and the Hiredate managed property, but ONLY the day and month part.

Calculating how many years the employee has been with the company is also required and I have NO idea how to get that using KQL.


I wanted to be able to display two options: 
  • Employees having a work anniversary today, and also how many years they have been with the company
  • Employees having a work anniversary within the next 7 days + number of years.

How to cheat

In order to achieve the objectives, I had to get:
  • The account 
  • The hiredate, but with the year segment being the current year
  • The number of years the employee has been with company at the next anniversary


I added birthdayThisYear while I was at it, in order to be able to show upcoming birthdays.

The basic idea is that I change the hiredate from eg. 10/26/2005 to 10/26/2023 as that allows me to compare Today with this value ๐Ÿ˜€
(RefinableDate12 is mapped to the HiredateThisYear property)

Who is having a work anniversary today?

Anniversary within the next x days is also a piece of cake:
 RefinableDate12<{Today+7} AND RefinableDate12>{Today}


Asking the intern to keep the list above in sync would be a cruel and unusual punishment, and hence actually forbidden in the USA, something to do with a constitution or something like that.

The list should of course be synced with the source, in this case the User Profile Application, at least once each month. The reason I am not using Graph is that birthday is not in the schema.

Prereq: Map SPS-Birthday and SPS-Hiredate to RefinableDate00/01

Once data is showing up in those RefinableDate properties you should be ready to create the list.
Grab the script here . It will create a few Site Columns and a Content type on the site collection of your choosing. The list is then created, and the Content type added to the list.
The Add-UserDataToList function will query the UPA for accounts and write the data we need to the list.
Hit the Reindex site in the site collections Search and Offline Availability section for the site columns to be picked up by search.

Map the crawled properties to a couple of RefinableDates. I prefer to make this mapping on the tenant level as I usually don't know where I might need them in the future. 

Find the Content Type ID of the Content type created by the script.

Add a Results web part, name it "Todays work anniversaries"

Set the Query template to: 

Contenttypeid:0x01009290F0FA40E7CB42B55D6D96F897262B* RefinableDate12=Today

(replace 0x01009290F0FA40E7CB42B55D6D96F897262B with the value for the your content type) 

Add a Results web part, name it "Upcoming anniversaries (7 days)"

Set the Query template to: 

Contenttypeid:0x01009290F0FA40E7CB42B55D6D96F897262B* RefinableDate12<{Today+7} AND RefinableDate12>{Today}

(replace 0x01009290F0FA40E7CB42B55D6D96F897262B with the value for your content type) 

Add the managed properties birthdayhiredateAccountOWSUSER, nextWorkAnniversaryInYearsOWSTNMBR, RefinableDate10, RefinableDate12 to the Selected Properties in both web parts.

Enter Layout slots

Change UserEmail to use the  birthdayhiredateAccountOWSUSER property

Change Date from Created to RefinableDate12

For both web parts you can select the People layout on "page 2" in the web part configuration.

Set Secondary text to: 

{{{Title}}} has been with us {{{nextWorkAnniversaryInYearsOWSTNMBR}}} years

(remember to click Use Handlebars expression)

Set Tertiary text to:

{{getDate (slot item @root.slots.Date) "MMMM-D"}}

(remember to click Use Handlebars expression)

Set the sorting on the Upcoming Anniversaries to RefinableDate12 asc

Run the Add-UserDataToList  function in a runbook or similar once a month and you should be done๐Ÿ˜Š

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Disabled or inactive User Accounts in M365 - a prerequisite for Governance


Among the many "triggers" in SharePoint Online these are the ones with the greatest impact:

Content created

Content updated

User Account disabled

Today we are taking a look at the latter and how to detect that a User Account no longer is active, as this is the primary trigger for a lot of governance actions.

You might expect that a key property of a User Account such as if it is active should be pretty obvious, but it is NOT. (unless HR remembers to inform you) 

The fellowing approaches to detecting disabled or inactive user account is available as a PnP Script Samples PowerShell script ๐Ÿ˜Š

First of all, what do we mean by "User Account"? 

Are we defining this as a User Profile in the SharePoint User Profile Application (UPA)?

Are we talking about the Users endpoint in Microsoft Graph?

The answer is YES, as both can be used to decide if the User Account is active.


In the UPA we have the SPS-HideFromAddressLists property which, as the name implies, is used to hide the account from a address list. This property is synchronized into the UPA and originates in Exchange and is used to exclude the account from the Global Address List (GAL).

Once the SPS-HideFromAddressLists property changes to true, it is very often a good indicator that the User Account has been disabled. 

In Microsoft Search this property is the only way to exclude accounts from being shown.

Customer AD Properties

Another option is that the organization have added a customer User Profile Property like "EmployeeStatus"/"UserDisabled" and this property is sync'ed from AD/AAD to SharePoint via a customer sync job. 

I have even seen an organization where the UserAccountName was prefixed with ZZ[YearOfLeaving] as a way to tag the user as disabled ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Please consult your friendly Entra ID admin for details if the organization is using this approach.

Graph ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Using Graph we can query the Users endpoint to get the accountEnabled property

However, you will have to check with the Entra ID team in your organization to verify when Accounts gets disabled and if it is a good indicator that the employee no longer is with the Organization. 

Perhaps you will have to check if another criterium is fulfilled, like no licenses assigned, in order to determine that the user has been off-boarded.

No Activity

Yet another way to query if the user is inactive is to use the Auditlogs in Graph to check if the user has been active within the last X days.$top=1&$filter=userPrincipalName eq ''

 The absence of logins is not a bullet proof way to detect that the user no longer is with the Organization, but it is a pretty good indicator.


The above should make it clear that we most likely will have to test a number of criteria in order to determine if we should start the governance actions, like rerouting the workflows assigned to the user in question, reassign ownerships on assets and so on.

The list of criteria will probably vary from organization to organization, but using the right mix should give you a good chance to detect those users.


Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Deleting File Versions to reduce the SharePoint Storage Consumption


This is a fellow-up post on the MS365thinking: Don't pay more for SharePoint Storage than you have to :-) post, where I went through the options you have when reducing the SharePoint Storage consumption.

The first action could be to reduce the default number of versions from 500 to a more reasonable number, like 50.

This will minimize any future storage increase but will not delete any existing versions. So, we will have to trim the existing libraries. 

In this post I will show how you can reduce the consumption using the PnP.PowerShell command Remove-PnPFileVersion

First of all, let's provide some evidens on how SharePoint storage is calculated in a way that will convince your management that you should investigate this.

This script will create a brand-new Modern SharePoint site collection (STS#3) or use the site collection specified by you.


The script will then create a number of major and minor versions using a file provided by you:

#how many major versions the script should create
$majorVersionCount = 30
#how many minor versions that should create per major version
$minorVersionCount = 10

It will then calculate the current amount of SP storage used in this site collection.

If the file you provided is 5MB then we would expect the storage to be 5*10*30 = 1500 MB.

Wait...I have heard that Microsoft only saves the diffs when dealing with modern office files as these are XML files behind the covers. So the 300 versions of the file will only take up a smidge more than 5 MB, right?

Yes, you are correct, but that is not the way SharePoint storage is calculated :-) as Microsoft calculates this as the aggregation of File Size for each version of the file.

The re-calculation of Storage seems to be on a schedule so you should expect that the new storage numbers will take serveral hours before it shows up in the Admin center

Once we can see the Storage being consumed on our site collection, it is time to bring out the harvester:

File Version Trimmer | PnP Samples

Please be aware that the script is a sample and NOT production grade code. That will most likely be a number of questions you will need to address before you can start trimming the file versions.

Typical questions could be:

  • Which Site Collections should not be trimmed.
  • Which archived Site Collections should be unarchived and trimmed and then archived again.
  • Are we going to use the same pruning parameters on all sites, or should we only trim the minor versions on some Site Collections.
  • Are some of the files tagged as records and should receive special treatment
  • and so on :-)


Have fun and remember Sharing is caring

Monday, May 22, 2023

SharePoint People search - How to clean up your results by exclude accounts

People search in SharePoint is based on the accounts you can see in the User Profiles blade in the SharePoint Admin center

And as you properly know the accounts in the User Profiles will very often be a mess of expired accounts, Meeting Room, External users, Test account and a lot more.

These are my notes for cleaning up the People/Employee search in SharePoint 

Exclude former employees

“SPS-HideFromAddressLists” originates in Exchange and is primarily used to decide which accounts that should not be shown in the Global Address list. In many companies/orgs this property is set to true/1 when somebody leaves the org.

This makes it a very useful property as it is the best indicator we have on whether an account is active or not.

"SPS-HideFromAddressLists"<>1  (show only accounts that should not be hidden in the GAL)

Exclude test, admin or similar accounts



Exclude accounts which does not use a specific email domain

This filter is an excellent way to exclude external users and consultants with a full account within the org. Please note that we often exclude accounts by specifying that the field should contain a specific value. 

Exclude members of a specific department



Exclude accounts which does not have a value in a given property

It is possible to define a query that will exclude the accounts that do not have any value in a specific field.

Since KQL (the Language we are using in the search queries) can't search for "Fields which does not contain any value" we have to use a little trick:

If we want to exclude the accounts that does not have a cell phone number, we simply must reverse that requirement, and hence it will be "include those accounts that have a value in the cell phone field":

(MobilPhone:0* OR MobilPhone:1* OR MobilPhone:2* OR MobilPhone:3* OR MobilPhone:4* OR MobilPhone:5* OR MobilPhone:6* OR MobilPhone:7* OR MobilPhone:8* OR MobilPhone:9*)

User Profile properties such as Department and JobTitle are based on Term Store Term sets and we can use the Term Guid values in our query.

In this example we are using the auto generated  property owstaxIdSPShDepartment and the guid specified is the root node of the Department term set: (look in the Term Store for those guids)


So using that in our query will insure that only account with a value in the Department field in included in our result. Neat, right?

Exclude accounts having a specific AccountName


This will enable you to exclude specific Accounts or groups of accounts like meeting rooms, cars and similar object as the AccountName often indicates which kind of account it is.


Search Scope

In this case search scope is defined as the list of fields/properties in the SharePoint User Profile used in the matching. By default we are matching against every field, however this will sometimes cause some rather strange results, espcially if you are not using Ranking.

Example: In this Org we have a department called QA, and would expect the members of that department to show up when doing a search for the query "QA", however Bob from Accounting shows up as number 4 result, ahead of several collegues from the QA department. Why?

Well, after going through Bobs account we can see he is a member of a security group named "Financial QA".......and that is sufficient to mess up the search results.

Of the UPA fields Description, Interests, Memberships and PeopleKeywords can contains values that causes unexpected results.


One option that will solve this issue could be to limit your search to only match on a set of specific fields. This will to some extend reduce the general usebility of people search as the end users might not be awere of this limitation.

Often these fields are used in such at limited search: 

















Ranking and sorting

Ranking and sorting decides in which order the search results will be shown. 

Sorting by Name





Sorting using XRANK

XRANK specifies a numeric value for each result, usually calculated by Microsoft using the selected Ranking Model. But we are able to tweak this ranking calculation by boosting results that matches a keyword. 


XRANK(cb=1.5) FirstName:{searchTerms} OR XRANK(cb=0.5) Department:{searchTerms}

In this case we are boosting an account by factor 1.5 (150%) if the query matches FirstName and by 50% if the query matches Department.

Ranking model

In most cases we are using the ”People Search social distance model” ranking model as it is a good allround model for people search.


Additional info: Tech and me: People Search ranking for dummies (



When working with User profile data and search you should be familiar with these tools:

SharePoint Administation, specificly User Profiles (raw data) and the Search Schema on the tenant level ( mapning fields from UPA to Managed Properties)

SP Query Tool, PnP-Tools/Solutions/SharePoint.Search.QueryTool at master · pnp/PnP-Tools · GitHub, a desktop app that allows you to test both your quiries and your data.


SP Editor, a Chrome/Edge extension , GitHub - tavikukko/Chrome-SP-Editor: Extension for creating and updating files (js, css) in SharePoint Online from Developer Tools

Similar to the SP Quiry Tool as far as Search goes, and contains a lot of other SP related features.